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Dancing in the World: Revealing Cultural Confluences.

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"multi-racial engagement in academic and community spaces of confluence"

Dancing in the World: Revealing Cultural Confluences:

A co-authored book by Dr. Kate Spanos and Sinclair Emoghene. Publication February, 2023. Routledge, Taylor and Francis.

Ashwini Chaudhary

His newest book co-authored with Dr. Kate Spanos is Dancing in the World; Revealing Cultural Confluences, (Routledge – Taylor and Francis, 2023) and is about the ways that cultures meet in spaces, share cultural knowledge, and the dynamics of power, dominance, and the flow in and out of dominance and subjugation within spaces where multicultural, multi-identity and multi-racial groups meet and interact with each other. In addition to the book are a podcast and dance documentary film that expand the topics in the books for a more engaging and easy access for the communities they intend to reach.

The book received the VCUArts Dean’s Research grant 2021, and the book podcast has received the Maryland State Arts Council’s Creativity Grant award in 2022, which will allow the production of the first series of the book podcast. They are in creative research and planning for the large-scale documentary film which promises to espouse the intricacies and complexities of spaces where dance meets, happens and cross-pollinates. The documentary focuses on their “dance confluence” research framework which looks more intricately at the minorization/majoritization of peoples through the ways that they dance.

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Shanna Lim dancing in FOE2Shanna Lim dancing in FOE2